What the heck is NameChanger?

At NameChanger, you can put a picture of your face and a little blurb about yourself on the Internet to crowdsource ideas for a new name.

Click the NameChanger link on the left side of the bar at the top to be brought to a random user's page. Skip past them using the arrow button if you can't think of a name. If you keep seeing the same users over and over again, they're probably the last users left on the whole website.

Suggestions mode: Users and guests can type in suggestions for names if you've got no idea.

Selection mode: After you've gotten a few suggestions you like (or after you've submitted the names you're thinking of), you can navigate to the Settings page to change the voting method.

First be sure to clear out any names you don't really like. Who could think that Phillip is a good name for you? Remove it by clicking the X.

(If a name is offensive, please report it. There is a flagging system. If you're having a problem, please contact me - klizzinator@gmail.com.)

Now that Phillip has been deleted, click the link above to switch over to the selection-based voting system. That's it! All done.

Users will now be able to select from a list of your chosen names. You'll be able to see the tally of votes on your Settings page.

Hope you have a good time!